Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Devil's Star

Jo Nesbo starts off this book with the reader seeing a picture of water slowly trailing across a floor of an old and historic building and then dripping down into water.  The reader is left wondering where the author is taking you.

Then the murders begin.  Harry Hole's nemesis Tom Waaler is assigned the task of finding the murderer.  Harry Hole comes out of a drunken stupor to work alongside Waaler, whom he distrusts and hates.  Hole sets about getting into the mind of the murderer.   As usual Nesbo leads you down false trails such as the clues of red star diamonds left by the murderer, sets the reader up to think one thing only to discover that thought is incorrect.  You are left wondering who the real murderer is until the last chapters of the book.

Another incredible read.  One you won't want to put down.

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