Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dark Vineyard

This is the second book I have read by Martin Walker, and I quite enjoyed it.  Bruno, the police officer in charge of St. Denis in Perigord, France once again puts his investigative talents to work.

A fire at an agricultural research station starts out the story.  Tangled within the story is the plan of an American to buy up vineyards in the area and make a reputable wine.  The young American associated with the wine company becomes involved with a young Canadian woman, who's family also makes wine.  But, she has a boyfriend in St. Denis, so this causes further problems as the boyfriend is adopted by a elderly local winemaker.  When the winemaker and his newly adopted son are found dead Bruno's investigation is given further twists to solve.

Throughout the story, Bruno's love interests cause him conflict.  Does the woman in Paris have a greater hold over him than a new local interest?

I am sure you will enjoy this book.

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