Sunday, October 9, 2011

Our Kind of Traitor

John le Carré strikes gold with "Our Kind of Traitor".  The story gets off to an innocuous start with a young couple from England travelling to Antigua for a holiday.  There they meet a Russian mafia millionaire who wants to break away from his way of life and get his family to safety in England.  What ensues is a journey involving the British intelligence service, travel to Paris and Berne, all in an attempt to help the mafia millionaire.

The story is slow going as le Carré sets the scene for the climax.  He introduces the couple and their story to the British Intelligence service, and once in their grip, the couple finds their hands tied.  To help, or not to help no longer seems a dilemma because they are enraptured by the millionaire's children.  As the reader gets to the final pages, you can't put the book down.  It becomes a nerve-racking thriller.

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