Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Plague of Heretics

Heretics are being murdered in 12th Century Exeter.  Coroner John de Wolfe has to investigate them with his helpers Gwyn and Thomas.  The Church, which is all powerful, influences minor monks to become involved in castigating the heretics.  De Wolfe finds himself in conflict with churchmen when he stops a lynching of two heretics.

Meantime Exeter and area has been hit by a "yellow plague".  It strikes down Thomas and de Wolfe's brother.  De Wolfe asks his new neighbour, Dr. Clement, to help his brother.  Will they survive or become victims? 

When de Wolfe's wife is foully murdered, he becomes the most obvious culprit as his brother-in-law finds him kneeling over her still warm body.  De Wolfe is forced to claim sanctuary during the inquest in the small church where his wife's body lies.   How can he solve the murder when he can't leave the  church?  Read on to find out!

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