Friday, March 9, 2012

The Cuckoo's Child

Laura Harcourt has just finished school and has taken the opportunity to work with poor women in London.  Now the job has come to an end, and her friend Philip Carfax (a lawyer) has suggested that he has an opportunity of work for her.  She could catalogue the books of a rich industrialist up in Yorkshire.

Shortly after arriving at Farr Clough she meets the industrialist, Ainsley Beaumont, his grandchildren, twins Gideon and Una and daughter-in-law Amelia.  Gideon helps Ainsley at the woolen factory while Una has become involved in the suffragette movement.  Ainsley thinks that Laura will do just fine.

Sometime after Laura has set to work on the Beaumont library, Ainsley is found floating at the dam that supplies water to the factory.  Detective Womersley and his Sergeant Rawlinson soon determine that he has been murdered.  It doesn’t look good for Laura when she is named as a recipient of £15 000.00 in Ainsley’s will.  However, that doesn’t stop Womersley looking for other possible culprits and author Marjorie Eccles offers many potential suspects before giving the reading a surprising end to the story.

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