Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Queen Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen, holds the throne of England.  However, her throne is threatened by the Roman Catholics and especially King Philip of Spain.  Sir Francis Drake is her best sea captain and it is his aim to protect England from the huge armada that Philip is building.

Intelligence has been gathered that there is an assassin who is planning on killing Drake.  John Shakespeare, working for Walsingham is given the task of finding this assassin before he has a chance to kill Drake.  Into the mix comes Topcliffe, a man assigned by the Queen to root out any Jesuit priests who are spreading dissension in her realm.  Topcliffe and Shakespeare will come into conflict as they go about their assignments.

This is an excellent historical novel that boils continually throughout reaching a climax, followed by another stimulating anti-climax.  Rory Clements has done a great job to keep the attention of his readers.  I look forward to the sequel entitled "Revenger".

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