Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dark Fire

London, the summer of 1540.  It is hot and dry.  Lawyer Matthew Shardlake has been asked to investigate the case of Elizabeth Wentworth, who has been accused of murdering her cousin.  She refuses to speak and judge orders her to be pressed in order to get her to talk.  However, fortunately for her, moments after her case has been heard, Shardlake receives information that her pressing has been postponed for 12 days.

Shardlake has been ordered by Lord Cromwell to check into Greek Fire.  Both Cromwell, and the man sent to help Shardlake, a man by the name of Barak have seen Greek Fire in action.  However, the men who demonstrated the power of Greek Fire have disappeared.  Cromwell wants the Greek Fire so that he can stay in the good books of Henry VIII.  Death and mayhem follow as Shardlake and Barak work to find the Greek Fire.  They are followed and murder is attempted on them.

Meantime Shardlake still has to find proof of Elizabeth's innocence, something of which he is convinced.  However, finding that proof is going to be difficult.  Both he and Barak become very exhausted during the course of both investigations.

What will happen to them at a time of many court intrigues?  Author C. J. Sansom keeps the reader guessing and involved.  A very good historical crime novel.

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