Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cromwell's Blessing

Peter Ransley continues the story of Tom Neave, which he had written about in "Plague Child".  Tom's surname is now Stonehouse and he is now heir apparent to Lord Stonehouse.  He is also married and father to two children. 

As the story re-commences, Tom is now a major in Cromwell's New Model Army.  Issues result in him returning home to London where he runs into conflict with the lord, and meets up with his father.  It is the death of his daughter that forces Tom back into the clutches of Lord Stonehouse.

Circumstances force Tom to do the bidding of Oliver Cromwell.  He is given two tasks.  Retrieve the king and bring Tom's traitorous father back to London for interrogation.  Unfortunately Tom's fortunes take a turn for the worse after he has captured the king and he finds himself in jail. 

Tom is freed because, when arrested he had given the name Neave, instead of Stonehouse.  He begins a new life as a printer of pamphlets, shut out of the lives of his wife and son.  He hopes that Cromwell will be able to bring freedom and the vote to all men through the new parliament.

Throughout, Tom is confused about his allegiance to his father.  His father has tried to kill him, gain his confidence and take advantage of him.  His father is for King Charles and Tom supports Cromwell.  What will they do when an assassination attempt is planned on Charles?  Treachery abounds!

Tom discovers that he has an illegitimate son after an affair with a young woman during his time as a printer.  He sets out to help his son, while at the same time, not letting him know he is his true father, nor letting the son of his legitimate marriage know of his half-brother's existence.

An excellent historical novel based on the time of Oliver Cromwell.  I look forward to the third in this trilogy.

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