Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Keeper of Secrets

It is 1810 and Tobias Campion has been appointed the new parson of St. Jude's.  He comes from a wealthy family, but doesn't want anyone to know it.  The evening before taking on his new parish, he stays with a cousin, and while there punches a young man who is trying to molest a maid.

It doesn't take long for young Tobias to see how different life is for the common working person compared to the life of luxury he is familiar with in the early 19th century.

When the husband of Tobias' cousin dies in suspicious circumstances Tobias and his doctor friend, Edmund Hansard, set out to determine the truth of the matter.  Late one afternoon Tobias is attacked, robbed of his possessions and left to succumb to the cold night.

Later in March Tobias discovers the body of the maid servant who had worked for his cousin.  She had been brutally murdered.  Dr. Hansard and Tobias feel obligated to discover the culprit.  They travel to Bath in search of their main suspect.  Once there, they discover that he is held in an asylum, and under the control of laudanum.  However, they do manage to gain valuable information, which means that they must rush home to prevent further carnage.

Author Judith Cutler has written an intriguing novel.

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