Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Hypnotist

A family of four has been foully attacked in Sweden.  The father at the soccer centre and the others at their home, all stabbed numerous times and their bodies dismembered.  Only the son survives, covered with multiple cuts.  Detective Joona Linna wants to hypnotise the young lad to find the perpetrator and save his older sister from the same thing happening to her.

Linna wants to investigate the case.  He feels that it is much more than just a local case, but his superiors disagree.  It is only when he is proven right about the sequence of the murders that Linna is given the case.

Erik Bark is the doctor Linna is trying to convince to hypnotise the young victim.  It takes some convincing, but interesting information is revealed when the first hypnosis occurs.

As the story unfolds author Lars Kepler tells the reader about each of the characters in the story.  Things don't seem to be as they should when the missing sister is found.  As more evidence comes to light and other people become threatened the story takes on a very chilling aspect.  From that point on the novel becomes more and more intense until the ultimate climax.  Well written and very much worth the read.

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