Saturday, March 23, 2013

Crowner's Crusade

1192 AD and Richard the Lionheart has decided to return home from his crusade in the holy land.  Included in his retinue are John de Wolfe and his friend Gwyn, both looking forward to getting home to England.

Richard's trip home is not easy.  He and his followers experience two shipwrecks before landing at the north end of the Adriatic.  Richard's wealth allows him to buy horses for transport.  Richard wants to return to Normandy so that he can prevent the French king from taking it.  However, there are numerous leaders in Europe who want to prevent Richard from making it home.

As they progress across Europe, the band is depleted until only John and Gwyn remain.  Richard becomes ill, and while John and Gwyn are out getting food, Richard is captured.  Phillip of France could now invade Normandy.

John and Gwyn return home; Gwyn happy in his marriage, John not.  However, John finds his wealth has grown while he was away.  He is able to invest some of it in an inn, which a former colleague owned.  Unfortunately he has died, and his wife Nesta has fallen on hard times.

John spends some time at his brother's after returning.  On his way back to Exeter he discovers a body.  The body has a ring on it that signifies he was likely a king's messenger.  Why was he slain?  John and Gwyn head to London to meet with a friend of theirs, whom they had fought alongside in Palestine; now the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Their investigation is successful at rooting out the troublemakers.  They also help to rid the area of some outlaws.  Because of the poor relationship with his wife, John eventually takes a mistress.  Eventually, when Richard is ransomed, he appoints John as coroner for the county.

Author Bernard Knight's prequel to the "Crowner" series is well written and paced.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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