Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scratch Deeper

DC Iona Khan has recently been appointed to the Greater Manchester Counter Terrorism Unit.  On her first case, she thinks it is trivial, until she gets the details.  A shadowy group that explores tunnels under Manchester has provided information about a man who wanted detailed information about a particular tunnel near where a Labour Party conference is going to be held.

She meets with three of the group who provide her with details of the tunnels.  Khan is claustrophobic, so she has difficulty imagining anyone wanting to explore dark, cramped tunnels, but she does take the information seriously.

Khan is in her own, as her partner is at home with an injured disc.  She does her research and finds the name of a person who might be connected to to her investigation.  This leads her to make a connection to Mauritius, where recently a prominent lord was brutally murdered.

The head of Khan's unit doesn't give her an immediate go ahead, but she carries on despite.  There are less than 36 hours remaining until the conference begins.  Fortunately within a short time, her senior, Paul Wallace provides her with more information and gives her the go ahead.

As her investigation progresses, evidence points to an attack on the conference.  Her former boyfriend helps out while off duty.  As Khan gathers more evidence, the reality of an extreme attack looms ever more so.

As I read the prologue, I wasn't sure that I was going to enjoy this mystery.  However, within a short time of starting Chapter One, I was hooked.  This is an exciting read that I could not put down!  Author Chris Simms has written an excellent thriller, which I highly recommend.

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