Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sorrow Without End

A man returning home from the Crusades has been murdered not far from the priory run by Eleanor.  Crowner Ralf has brought the body to the priory because the knife used to kill the man comes from Arabia, and he wants Sister Anne to have a look at the dead man.

No one knows it, but the murderer has also arrived at the priory.  Also just arrived at the priory is Brother Thomas, the man that Prioress Eleanor lusts for.  Thomas is asked by Ralf to examine the body with Sister Anne.  Upon seeing the face of the deceased, Thomas collapses.  Ralf wonders why, and takes Thomas into custody.

Eleanor and Anne are upset at Thomas' imprisonment, but Thomas will say nothing to gain his own freedom.  Meanwhile, the murderer is free, but suffering an agony of his own making.  When one of the nuns is attacked while at a lone prayer vigil, fear strikes the priory.

Meantime, Brother Matthew and Sister Ruth are trying to convince Eleanor to purchase a relic of a saint in order to draw pilgrims to the priory.  Eleanor suspects that this is Matthew's attempt to convince the monks to elect him as prior.

The prime suspect has disappeared, and shortly afterwards one of the hospital's patients is found murdered.  Surprisingly, it is Crowner Ralf who discovers the solutions to the crimes occurring at and near the priory.  Another good, quick read.

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