Monday, July 1, 2013

Don't Look Back

Ragnhild is a trusting six year old girl.  So, when a man in an old van offers her a ride home, she accepts.  Konrad Sejer of the Norwegian police is involved in the search for her and is told by a boy who is searching for Ragnhild that she was seen in a van.  After a frustrating and terrifying six hours, Ragnhild turns up safe and sound.

A short time later, Ragnhild's mother calls Sejer and tells him that her daughter had seen a woman lying by a lake on her way home.  The woman had no clothes on.  Sejer and his team find the body and determine that she is quite young, and couldn't have been dead long as volunteers searching for Ragnhild had swept the area earlier.

Later that night, the victim is identified when the parents show up to report her missing.  Sejer spends a lot of time trying to get to know the victim through questioning those who knew her best.  He discovers from Ragnhild and Raymond saw a car travelling at a high speed from the are of the body.  Will their drawings help capture the murderer?

The autopsy discovers that Annie, the victim, died of forced drowning.  Also, she would have been dead in a matter of months anyway as she had liver cancer.  As the investigation continues more evidence comes to light pointing to the true culprit.

Author Karin Fossum has given the reader a good murder mystery to read.  I look forward to reading more from her.

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