Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Fourth Crow

Gil Cunningham has been called out to examine a young woman who has been beaten and murdered while she was tied to St. Mungo's Cross.  Gil must now investigate and find the murderer.  When the victim's maid comes to wash the body she is adamant that is isn't her mistress.  What has become of the woman who was originally tied to the cross?  Who is the dead woman found hanging on the cross?

Gil is aided in his investigation by his father-in-law and intern Lowrie.  They discover that the dead woman worked as a prostitute at an inn.  The following day, the body of one of the vergers of St. Mungo's church is found stuffed down the well of the church.  He had been murdered in the same fashion as the dead woman on the cross.

It isn't long after this that a third person is murdered, it is the guardian of the missing woman. Are the murders connected, or are they of different actions? Gil needs to figure that out.  Meantime, his wife finds the missing woman.  It is the threat of excommunication that finally brings the murderer out into the open.  Unfortunately the guilt exists for only one murder.  Who committed the other?  Gil sets out to find that out.

This is Book 9 in the Gil Cunningham series by author Pat McIntosh.  She once again tells an intriguing story of murder and mayhem in medieval times.  A good read.

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