Saturday, July 13, 2013

Killer's Island

Maria Wern is an off duty police officer in Visby, Sweden, when she comes across a group of men beating a young boy.  She intervenes and is badly beaten herself.  Unfortunately the boy is so badly beaten that he dies.

Later, Linn Bogren is accosted by the same group of men that beat Wern.  They try to force her, but fortunately a neighbour and his dogs come along.  Bogren wonders if she is safe in her own home now.  She keeps her cell phone and a kitchen knife on her bedside table as a result of her fear.

Erika Lund, a forensic investigator with the police and friend of Wern are called to a decapitated body in the centre of town one morning.  The body turns out to be Bogren.

Harry Molin is a hypochondriac who isn't convinced that his doctor, Anders Ahlstrom is up to the job.  He also lives near Linn Bogren.  He becomes the next victim, and is found hanging in the house of policeman, Per Arvidsson, who also lives nearby.  Is there something that ties the three together?  Erika Lund has found a small 'k' at both scenes.  Is it a signature of the murderer?

Author Anna Jansson continually throws out little hints and clues as to who the perpetrator could be.  Tantalising as they may be, the reader is left unsure when the next hint is thrown up.  Although the story gets off to a slow start as Jansson introduces the main characters, she does a great job of building tension.  A great read.

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