Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Amorous Nightingale

Christopher Redmayne has been engaged to design another house in London.  However, the builder is one that is not going to see eye-to-eye with him.  But, will they get to build the new house?  Redmayne has been commanded to the king's presence where he is informed that a famous actress has been abducted.  The king wants Redmayne and Constable Jonathan Bale to investigate and bring the woman safely back.

The kidnappers have demanded five thousand pounds ransom from the king.  The king does not have that kind of money.  Redmayne turns to his brother for his knowledge of the upper levels of society.  Bale isn't interested in finding the actress because he feels that the theatre is the foulest of depravity.  Henry, Christopher's brother, provides some names of potential abductors.

Bale decides to become involved in the search when the actress' maid is also abducted because he knew her family.  It isn't long after this that Redmayne receives a warning in the form of his brother being badly beaten up.  Another message is left at the palace when the maid's body is surreptitiously delivered there.

Author Edward Marston hints at various culprits throughout this historical murder mystery, but Redmayne and Consable Bale are able to eliminate them until the true culprits are found out in the end.  A very good, enjoyable, quick read.

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