Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Repentant Rake

Sir Julius Cheever wants Christopher Redmayne to design a house for him in London.  On his way home from Northamptonshire, an attempt is made to rob Redmayne.  Fortunately he gains the upper hand on his robber and leaves him trussed up in the stable where the robbery attempt occurred.

Meantime, back in London, Jonathan Bale has a murder inquiry in his hands.  A wealthy young man has been strangled to death and his body left in an area of the city that doesn't match with who he would have been.  When Bale discovers the name of the victim, he takes it to Redmayne.  The he discovers that the victim is the son of the man who had engaged Redmayne to design the house for him.   Redmayne, in an attempt to glean information from his brother finds out that his brother has been threatened with death, just like the victim.

Redmayne finds out from the sister of the victim that he had been married.  When he and Bale meet with the widow, they discover that the victim's diary is missing.  Another high profile person is threatened with blackmail, and since he is prepared to pay up the amount demanded, Redmayne offers to be the one to hand it over, but capture of the culprit was impossible.

Shortly after this they learn of a third man being blackmailed.  When Redmayne begins to put pressure on a possible suspect, he is almost killed.  That is followed by a second ransom demand to the second blackmail victim.

How will Redmayne and Bale discover the culprit or culprits behind these dastardly deeds?  Author Edward Marston has some exciting adventures for the pair before they can solve this murder mystery.  A good, quick read.

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