Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Yard

It is London in 1889 and DI Walter Day has been called to his first murder scene.  Dr. Bernard Kingsley has identified the body in a trunk as another detective.  He scans the area and finds a thread and some needles, which he will use as part of his investigation into the death.

Shortly after this, Constable Hammersmith is led to the body of a child which was found wedged in a chimney.  The child was obviously left there by a chimney sweep after he had become lodged.  Hammersmith called for an inspector, but the one who came told him not to pursue the case.  Hammersmith tells Dr. Kingsley that he plans to carry on with the case.

With the aid of Inspector Blacker, Day begins going through the files of the murdered detective in the hopes that something will point them in the direction of the killer.  It is Blacker who discovers two similar cases, but are they the right ones?  Dr. Kingsley feels that they are two different killers.

Kingsley believes that finger marks could help solve the ongoing investigations.  He is in the process of showing Colonel Sir Edward Bradford, Head of the Metropolitan Police Force, and DI Day how finger marks are all dissimilar when DI Blacker informs them that the body of another policeman has been found.

Can DI Day and his team catch the murderer or murderers before another person falls victim?  Author Alex Grecian has written a tense thriller, set in a time when forensics were developing, which will have the reader turning the pages and not wanting to put this book down.  Absolutely riveting.  I can hardly wait to get my hands on the sequel.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

No Known Grave

DI Tom Tyler has recently moved to Ludlow as part of putting his recent separation from his behind him.  He is just settling in when he is called out to a hospital for war victims.  A staff member and one of his sons have been shot to death.  A second son is in shock and hasn't spoken.  At the hospital, after viewing the scene of the murders, he discovers an open window, and a dead carrier pigeon.  It is carrying a cryptic message which states: "They had no known grave."

It appears that the patients in the hospital are either physically incapable of the murder or having mental difficulties due to their injuries.  Also, the grounds of the hospital are surrounded by a high wall.  An enigmatic letter arrives in the post addressed to Tyler and further confuses his investigation.

When one of the nursing sisters dies in suspicious circumstances while on night duty, Tyler can only assume that her death was caused by someone within the hospital because the grounds have been closely guarded by his constables. The coroner's report on the murders brings disturbing news.

Author Maureen Jennings has a few more surprises up her sleeve before concluding this wartime murder mystery.  An entirely good read.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hannibal ~ Fields of Blood

Hannibal's army has advanced into northern Italy.  Unfortunately for Hanno, he has made a grievous error while on a reconnaissance mission, which has resulted in his capture.  His friend, Quintus, who is with the Roman army, has also made a foolish mistake and been wounded in the arm by an arrow.

Tides do turn and Hanno is rescued.  Quintus, on the other hand, is sent home by his father.  However, it is an order he disobeys, and instead joins an infantry unit.  There he immediately makes an enemy of one of his tent mates.  His life is further jeopardised when Hannibal sets up an ambush at Lake Trasimene.  Managing to survive, Quintus is part of the Roman army that dogs the army of Hannibal as it moves southwards.

Hannibal's army stops near a town called Cannae.  On one side are hills and the other a river.  The Roman army outnumbers Hannibal's army considerably.  Who will survive and what will it mean to the future of Rome and Carthage?  Author Ben Kane uses this momentous battle to conclude this particular episode of Hannibal's journey down the length of Italy.  It is explicit and graphic, but for a fan of historical fiction, it is an excellent way to finish.  I'm looking forward to the next book in this trilogy.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Book of Souls

A man that DI Anthony McLean had put away some time ago has been killed in jail.  His style of murdering was particularly gruesome.  However, shortly after his death a new victim appears in what could be a copycat killing.  Or is it?

After a gruelling day at work, McLean comes home to find his apartment block on fire.  He attempts to save the elderly gentleman who lives across the hall from him.  Unfortunately the old man dies as do several others in the building.  McLean is put on leave as much for the inhalation of smoke as well as his connection to the aforementioned murder.  However, that leave is short lived when a second victim appears, killed in the same manner as the earlier one.

When a third victim is found, the Deputy Chief Constable interferes and puts Superintendent McIntyre in charge of the investigation and gives one of the cases to McLean's nemesis, DCI Duguid.  None of the three are impressed with the assignments.  Will the new teams be able to catch the killer before he kills again?  Author James Oswald creates an extremely exciting climax to this murder mystery.  A very good read that is hard to put down.

The Angel Court Affair

It is 1898, and the United States has declared war on Spain. An English woman, Sofia Delacruz, who has married a Spaniard is returning.  In hopes of preventing a conflict between Britain and Spain, Thomas Pitt of the Special Branch has been assigned the task of ensuring her safety and that of her acolytes.  However, when she disappears with two of her women assistants Pitt is sure that it was planned.

Barton Hall, Sofia's cousin suggests to Pitt that the threat to her could actually be from Spain rather than here in England.  Sergeant Brundage, Pitt's second-in-command, suggests that it is possible that there is a conspiracy of sorts at work, but how to discover is the question.

Things go from bad to worse when Pitt and Brundage discover the bodies of the two women assistants in a family home of Sofia's, but no Sofia.  Worse is yet to come when Pitt receives a letter from a man claiming to have abducted Sofia, and making demands that Pitt is unsure that he can follow through on.

Victor Narraway, Pitt's former Special Branch boss, and his wife Vespasia agree to travel to Spain to investigate the Spanish side of the case.  They bring Sofia's husband back to England with them in the hopes he can help to save Sofia.  But will Pitt and his team be able to get to her in time?

A good story by author Anne Perry, however I found that she was too wordy in places, which detracted from the story line.  It is almost as if Perry had a certain word count that she had to meet for this book and she was putting in filler.  A disappointment in that case.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fires of Alexandria

Heron is a talented manufacturer in Alexandria. She has taken over the business of her dead twin brother after his passing, however she passes herself off as him by wearing clothes that hide her sex.  One of her inventions fails in a temple after it has been tampered with.  Will she have to flee the city with her niece, Sepharia, to avoid her debts?

Fortunately a man from the north, Agog, has provided her with enough coin to keep the money lender at bay.  Agog wants her to create a mechanical army and he p revises a down payment.  She is unsure of where to start with this challenge.  Another way out of the debt is provided when an unknown benefactor offers funds to find out who truly set the fire to Alexandria's library 100 years earlier.

Agog and Heron make an unlikely team, however their partnership is very effective in getting things done.  Agog is pleased with the progress that is being made in his plans, while Heron is pleased to be out from under the yoke of uncompromising debt.

However, plans never seem to go as made, and that is the case for Heron.  On the other hand, Agog's plans work well.  Although this novel is a work of historical fiction, it also has bits of science fiction woven in.  The reader needs to be prepared for that.  A good read, but with reservations.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

In Search of Revolution

It is February of 1918, and in Copenhagen, young Zacharias Nielson, has decided to go to Finland to help the communists take over.  His best friend, Ansgar Christensen is trying to persuade him to not go.  When he joins the Red Army in Finland, Zacharias learns that not all have the same ideals as he does.  Some are fighting for an independent Finland, others are fighting for communist ideals.

By March, after some basic training, Zacharias and his new best friend, Ville, find themselves in the heat of the action.  Action by Zacharias gets him commended, however, later her is shot in the calf.  Whole in the hospital, Zacharias becomes friendly with one special nurse, Raisa.  When the White Guard win the war, Raisa invites Zacharias to share her tiny apartment with her.  She also finds him a job in a factory.

Meantime, back in Copenhagen, Ansgar has joined the Danish army.  Fortunately Denmark doesn't have to enter the war.  With the war's end, Zacharias heads home to Denmark, however not to the home of his parents, but rather to the pig farm belonging to the parents of Ansgar.  He enjoys his work on the farm, however the happiness is disrupted by news from the army that Ansgar has gone AWOL.  Later a letter arrives from Raisa telling Zacharias that Ansgar is now with her.  He decides to return to Finland.

Raisa and Ansgar happily welcome Zacharias back, but when he hears Ansgar's story conflict arises between the two, but Raisa is able to quell it.  However, Ansgar and Zacharias are at political odds.  Zacharias decides to head to Russia to allow Raisa and Ansgar to become a couple.  They do get married, but Ansgar's political activities put a strain on the marriage.

It didn't take Zacharias long to become disillusioned with life in the new Soviet Union, so he fled back to Finland.  In 1939, he returns to his friends and turns away from his communist ideals.  It is there that his cousin, Line finds him.  She has left her abusive husband.  Now there are four people living in the tiny apartment.  The invasion of Poland creates renewed tensions amongst the four, mores when Ansgar joins the Finnish army.

As the war widens, tensions amongst the four grow, leading to Line and Ansgar leaving. In Helsinki Ansgar becomes involved in smuggling weapons into Finland.  In 1941 Germany invades the Soviet Union; Finland follows suit. As the Soviet-Finnish front stagnates, Ansgar and his new comrade in arms, Hillar join the German army at Leningrad.  Now he finds himself on the opposite side to his best friend, Zacharias.  Originally at political odds, yet still friends, will their friendship stand the test of time and war?

Author Christopher Fischer's novel is more about relationships than the story of two wars and revolution.  It was a good, enjoyable read.