Thursday, September 3, 2015

In Search of Revolution

It is February of 1918, and in Copenhagen, young Zacharias Nielson, has decided to go to Finland to help the communists take over.  His best friend, Ansgar Christensen is trying to persuade him to not go.  When he joins the Red Army in Finland, Zacharias learns that not all have the same ideals as he does.  Some are fighting for an independent Finland, others are fighting for communist ideals.

By March, after some basic training, Zacharias and his new best friend, Ville, find themselves in the heat of the action.  Action by Zacharias gets him commended, however, later her is shot in the calf.  Whole in the hospital, Zacharias becomes friendly with one special nurse, Raisa.  When the White Guard win the war, Raisa invites Zacharias to share her tiny apartment with her.  She also finds him a job in a factory.

Meantime, back in Copenhagen, Ansgar has joined the Danish army.  Fortunately Denmark doesn't have to enter the war.  With the war's end, Zacharias heads home to Denmark, however not to the home of his parents, but rather to the pig farm belonging to the parents of Ansgar.  He enjoys his work on the farm, however the happiness is disrupted by news from the army that Ansgar has gone AWOL.  Later a letter arrives from Raisa telling Zacharias that Ansgar is now with her.  He decides to return to Finland.

Raisa and Ansgar happily welcome Zacharias back, but when he hears Ansgar's story conflict arises between the two, but Raisa is able to quell it.  However, Ansgar and Zacharias are at political odds.  Zacharias decides to head to Russia to allow Raisa and Ansgar to become a couple.  They do get married, but Ansgar's political activities put a strain on the marriage.

It didn't take Zacharias long to become disillusioned with life in the new Soviet Union, so he fled back to Finland.  In 1939, he returns to his friends and turns away from his communist ideals.  It is there that his cousin, Line finds him.  She has left her abusive husband.  Now there are four people living in the tiny apartment.  The invasion of Poland creates renewed tensions amongst the four, mores when Ansgar joins the Finnish army.

As the war widens, tensions amongst the four grow, leading to Line and Ansgar leaving. In Helsinki Ansgar becomes involved in smuggling weapons into Finland.  In 1941 Germany invades the Soviet Union; Finland follows suit. As the Soviet-Finnish front stagnates, Ansgar and his new comrade in arms, Hillar join the German army at Leningrad.  Now he finds himself on the opposite side to his best friend, Zacharias.  Originally at political odds, yet still friends, will their friendship stand the test of time and war?

Author Christopher Fischer's novel is more about relationships than the story of two wars and revolution.  It was a good, enjoyable read.

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