Monday, September 14, 2015

Hannibal ~ Fields of Blood

Hannibal's army has advanced into northern Italy.  Unfortunately for Hanno, he has made a grievous error while on a reconnaissance mission, which has resulted in his capture.  His friend, Quintus, who is with the Roman army, has also made a foolish mistake and been wounded in the arm by an arrow.

Tides do turn and Hanno is rescued.  Quintus, on the other hand, is sent home by his father.  However, it is an order he disobeys, and instead joins an infantry unit.  There he immediately makes an enemy of one of his tent mates.  His life is further jeopardised when Hannibal sets up an ambush at Lake Trasimene.  Managing to survive, Quintus is part of the Roman army that dogs the army of Hannibal as it moves southwards.

Hannibal's army stops near a town called Cannae.  On one side are hills and the other a river.  The Roman army outnumbers Hannibal's army considerably.  Who will survive and what will it mean to the future of Rome and Carthage?  Author Ben Kane uses this momentous battle to conclude this particular episode of Hannibal's journey down the length of Italy.  It is explicit and graphic, but for a fan of historical fiction, it is an excellent way to finish.  I'm looking forward to the next book in this trilogy.

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