Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fires of Alexandria

Heron is a talented manufacturer in Alexandria. She has taken over the business of her dead twin brother after his passing, however she passes herself off as him by wearing clothes that hide her sex.  One of her inventions fails in a temple after it has been tampered with.  Will she have to flee the city with her niece, Sepharia, to avoid her debts?

Fortunately a man from the north, Agog, has provided her with enough coin to keep the money lender at bay.  Agog wants her to create a mechanical army and he p revises a down payment.  She is unsure of where to start with this challenge.  Another way out of the debt is provided when an unknown benefactor offers funds to find out who truly set the fire to Alexandria's library 100 years earlier.

Agog and Heron make an unlikely team, however their partnership is very effective in getting things done.  Agog is pleased with the progress that is being made in his plans, while Heron is pleased to be out from under the yoke of uncompromising debt.

However, plans never seem to go as made, and that is the case for Heron.  On the other hand, Agog's plans work well.  Although this novel is a work of historical fiction, it also has bits of science fiction woven in.  The reader needs to be prepared for that.  A good read, but with reservations.

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