Sunday, April 24, 2016

Buried Angels

The police have been called out an island near Fjallbacka where it appears that a house a couple are in the process of renovating was torched while they were asleep.  Fortunately they got out safely.  Patrik Hedstrom is in charge of the investigation.  Gosta, a member of his team, investigated a crime that had happened in that house earlier.  Patrik's wife, Erica, knows a bit about the crime, too as a result of her research for a future crime book she is planning on writing.

Sometime later, during their continuing renovations, the couple discover what appears to be blood under the floorboards of one of the rooms.  What does this mean for the young woman who had inherited the house?  Where will the investigation lead Patrik and his team?  Because Erica writes about crime stories, she questions the woman about her past.  Unfortunately she is unable to tell Erica anything, but will that keep Erica from sticking her nose into the investigation?

Patrik begins the investigation into the blood by interviewing men, who were students at the house many years ago when the family who lived there disappeared.  All except the woman who is now involved in renovating the house, that is.  Anna, Erica's sister, has been given the job of decorating the house once it is renovated, and while there someone attempts to shoot the woman to whom the house belongs.

As the pages turn in this thriller, author Camilla Lackberg builds up the tension for the reader, providing a surprising and shocking conclusion.  An excellent read, hard to put down.

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