Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Harvest Man

The Harvest Man has struck again, killing a couple in their bed.  Dr. Kingsley has started his part of the investigation.  DI Tiffany has discovered that two children are missing, but Kingsley wants DI Walter Day helping him.  Unfortunately he has been assigned desk work due to injuries to his leg as a result of his last investigation.

Tiffany asks Day to find the children, because Day is sure that they are hiding nearby and that they may have seen the killer.  Nevil Hammersmith comes to help Day, although he is no longer a policeman.  Both men had suffered brutally during the last investigation they worked on together.  Unfortunately nightfall arrives before the men can find the children.

Hammersmith is sure that Jack the Ripper is still at large and he wants to catch him.  A convict friend shows him the bodies of three young women that night who he says were murdered each a week apart.  Each killing getting more gruesome.  That same night, while in his backyard, Day looks up into his tree and comes to the realisation that the children he had been looking for had hidden up in the trees, not in the lower bushes.

The next day both men continue their pursuits.  They are tied together by Fiona Kingsley because she is a talented artist and she knows someone who might be able to help Hammersmith with a clue he has.  Day is convinced, after going through his files, that there are three murderers at large in London.  How will he be able to find them?  Can he keep his family safe this time?  What about his own safety?

Author Alex Grecian has written a spine tingling murder mystery that will keep the reader engrossed throughout with a very surprising conclusion.  I can hardly wait for the sequel.

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