Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Devil in Disguise

Lawyer Harry Devlin has been approached by a friend of the chairman of Kavanaugh Trust because she is concerned about his wellbeing.  He himself had met with the gentleman earlier and has his own concerns.  Also of concern to the board of trustees, is the fact that the man who was to endow his fortune to the trust has recently died, but just before his death, he changed his will leaving everything to his housekeeper.  The trustees agree that Harry should hire a private detective to investigate the housekeeper.

The following day the chairman is found dead; was it an accident or was it suicide?  A bit later, Harry's PI finds out that the housekeeper had come by her job through deception.  He hopes to find out more about her.  Following the chairman's funeral, his godson approaches Harry with the idea that he could have been murdered.  He also confides in Harry that the chairman was sure that one of the trustees of the Kavanaugh Trust was going to cause trouble for the trust.

Harry surreptitiously investigates the members of the board of trustees while the niece of his PI gathers information on the housekeeper.  Everyone is shocked a bit later when it turns out that one of the members of the board is an imposter.  This is followed by the death of another board member.  Accidental overdose?  Suicide? Or as Harry believes, murder?

Author Martin Edwards has a few twists to knot up the reader before he presents his surprising conclusion.  A good, quick read.

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