Tuesday, May 31, 2016


King Richard has returned to England and retaken the throne from his treacherous younger brother, John.  Now, in Normandy, he has John at his mercy.  Will he execute him or show him mercy?

Shortly after the aforementioned meeting, Alan Dale has volunteered to lead a small force into the besieged city of Verneuil in advance of Richard's attack on the besiegers.  Will his brave little band of soldiers make it through the French army or will it all be in vain?  Fortunately most do make it through the gates, but Alan loses his second in command and a quarter of his force.   Now inside, can they hold off the might of the French army before Richard arrives with his army?

Following a skirmish with the French, Alan has time to visit with the castle's priest, who knew his father.  He finds out how his father was unjustly accused of theft and forced to leave Paris.  Now he has a hankering to find out more.  Richard brings relief to the castle, and at that point decides to split his army into three.  One to look after the north, one the centre and the third part, which he would take to Aquitaine, including Robin of Locksley and Alan, who he would not allow to go off on his own venture.  Sadly, the priest was killed by some unknown person.  Later, a cardinal that could possibly give Alan more information on his father is killed in the same manner.  Does someone not want Alan to find out about his father's past?

Alan is informed by Richard, when he requests leave to visit Paris, that it was Robin who suggested haste in killing Murdac earlier.  Could Robin be the man stopping Alan from finding out about his father?  Will Alan find what he is looking for in Paris?

In Paris, Alan and his squire are attacked, but manage to survive.  But, why the attack, and who were the attackers?   Could they be Templars?  What more trouble can Alan manage to get into in Paris?  Will he get his questions answered and find the man responsible for his father's death?   Much more action will come for this young man in the ensuing months.

Author Angus Donald has written an intriguing historical novel based on fact, full of real medieval battles, which were fought between the King of France and the King of England.  A very good read.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Corpse Bridge

The body of a woman has been found on Halloween at The Corpse Bridge, which crosses the River Dove, which in turn is the border between Staffordshire and Derbyshire.  DS Ben Cooper is representing the Derbyshire police and when he questions the young man who found her, he is surprised when he identifies her.

Nearby Ben's team finds a straw effigy laid out on a coffin stone, while across the river their Staffordshire colleagues have found a rope fashioned into a noose.  What could they mean, and do they relate to the body?  Or is it just simply a guy?  Will the public appeal bring any witnesses forward or just the usual nutters?

Despite having secured a transfer, DS Diane Fry decides to accompany Ben as he begins his investigation.  He is unsure as to why she wants to accompany him. Based on what he learns, Ben is sure that someone has a grudge against the local earl.

Later Ben is told to look into the graveyard.  He finds out that the earl is planning on selling the church, which has been deconsecrated.  This means that the graves could possibly be dug up and moved.  At the same time a second body has been found.  Because there is a second suspicious death, major crimes takes over the case with Diane Fry in charge.

Ben is confident that another victim will turn up.  Will his intuition prove correct once again?  Author Stephen Booth has a few surprises up his sleeve as this murder mystery reaches its climax.  A well written page turner, hard to put down.

Monday, May 23, 2016


After having been put through a brutal test, Sir Ranulf of Lancaster awaits the assignment that the Earl of Huntingdon has planned for him.  The Earl explains that Ranulf is to help persuade the young Duke of Aquitaine of his role in England.  He will have Father Alun to help him in this task.

It doesn't take long for Ranulf and Alun to learn that it will be no easy task guiding the young duke.  Will Ranulf and Alun and their five knights be able to match Richard and his five?  Of the five, Ranulf and his team is assigned to the foremost of Richard's Knights, William Marshal.  Marshal gives Ranulf a test of his own devising, which Ranulf passes with flying colours.  Richard also has a test for Ranulf, which he also passes, and which leads to him having a female companion, Negu.

Alun arranges for Richard to meet the Abbess of Rupertsburg.  There Richard begins to develop wisdom in the ways of the world.  Sadly, for Ranulf, Negu decides to stay with the nuns.  Returning to Poitier, Richard begins to build up an army, which he then uses to subdue Gascony.  His best victory is over the castle at Taillebourg.  Although this action would cement his relationship it's his father, King Henry, Richard's later actions would do much to break that relationship down.

Not long after this, King Henry has his sons swear fealty to him at Caen.  Upset that Richard has lands, his eldest brother demands the same of their father.  Denied, Prince Henry plots with the new king of France, Philip.  Before long, their brother, Geoffrey, joins Henry.  Angered, Richard begins to battle back.  Before long he has his brothers cornered in Limoges.  The king arrives, hoping to broker peace, but the older brothers are not having it.  Outsiders now start to think that they can break up the Plantagenet empire.

Sadly Prince Henry died of the flux.  Richard was now heir apparent to the Plantagenet empire.  The king wanted Richard to give up Aquitaine to his youngest son, John, now that he was heir apparent.  Richard refused.  Henry's next move was to release his queen, Eleanor and allow her to retake her position as Duchess of Aquitaine.  He thought this would lessen Richard's power.  War is imminent between Henry and Philip of France, but destiny intervenes.  Saladin has declared a jihad against the Christians in the Holy Land.  Richard is prepared to lead a crusade there.

Things do not go as smoothly as Richard would like.  Philip is a bit of a problem as are Richard's own troops.  However, Alun's solutions help ease the way.   Philip manages to make it to the Holy Land first.  Richard is forced to deal with the Emperor of Cyprus first.  Having done that he decides it would be auspicious to marry Berengere there.  After capturing Acre, Richard's demands are not met by Saladin, so Richard has almost 3 000 Muslim soldiers executed.  Horrified by these executions, Ranulf and Alun decide to return home.

Unfortunately the trip home was not to be.  The group is attacked and all except Ranulf are killed. Before Alun dies, he tasks Ranulf to look after an amulet known as the Talisman of Truth.  Ranulf knows that he has to return to Richard, but in doing so, he loses his left hand in battle.  Will Richard be able to take Jerusalem or will Saladin defeat him?  And what if the news from England, where Richard's brother, John is attempting to wrestle control from the regent?

Author Stuart Binns has brought to life for the fan of historical fiction Richard Lionheart, King of England.  He shows his foibles and his kindness that made him a man both feared and liked throughout Europe.  An excellent read.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Atonement of Blood

An unexpected visitor has arrived at the feast being held in Cashel.  Since he bears a message and is a religieux, he is welcomed.  But surprisingly he stabs King Colgu and the Chief Brehon, killing the latter.   As he stabs, he hollers, "Remember Liamuin!"  Fortunately a guard kills the assassin before he can do further damage.  Will Colgu survive?  What is the role of his sister, Fidelma, now?  As she begins her examination of the dead man things are found to not as the seem to be.  What was the significance of what he hollered out?

The following morning Fidelma and Eadulf begin their search for evidence.  Gorman, a soldier, takes them to his mother's home, where a horse has been left in her paddock unbeknownst to her.  In a nearby hut, they find a young woman and the saddle and saddlebag for the horse.  Could the young woman be the assassin's accomplice?  It turns out that Liamuin is her mother, but she is missing.

The council agrees that Fidelma and Eadulf must travel into the land of the Ui Fidgente to further the investigation into the assassination attempt.  The soldier, Gorman will travel with them to provide security.  Unfortunately, Gorman is unable to provide security when a band of brigands rob the of their valuables and forms of identification. This may prove to be a problem when they get to the abbey.

At the abbey, a potential witness dies, and when Eadulf examines him, he discovers that the death is suspicious.  He suggests that the group leave and further their investigation elsewhere.  At their next stop, Fidelma is struck on the head while going to check on a churchman.  Have they stumbled upon a conspiracy of revolt?

Slowly Fidelma pieces the picture of the puzzle together.  Can she do it before more deaths occur?  Is her own safety in jeopardy, or does her position protect her?

Author Peter Tremayne has written another excellent mystery set in medieval times in Ireland.  Well worth the read for fans of historical legal fiction.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The King's Exile

It is the spring of 1648 and Thomas Hill has been accused of printing a pamphlet against parliament.   Without a trial, he is sentenced to seven years of indenture in Barbados.  Thomas makes it his goal to return to England and find out who did this to him.  Later on the ship to Barbados, he finds out that his indenture has been paid for in advance.

Upon arrival in Barbados, Thomas finds out who owns him.  The Gibbes brothers are brutal sugar plantation owners.  They also indicate that they have a partner.  Thomas is tasked with maintaining the plantation's books.

Meanwhile back in Romsey, the traitor, Tobias Rush, has taken possession of Thomas' bookshop from Thomas' sister Margaret by using forged documents.  He leaves her with threats to her daughters.  At the beginning of 1649 he is all the happier when the king is executed.

Thomas is shocked when Rush arrives in Barbados.  Unable to stop himself he attacks the man, and pays the consequences as a result.  A short time later, fed up with his brutal treatment by the Gibbes, Thomas makes his escape and ends up on the Lyte estate.  They hide him and put him to work on their books.

Tensions rise on the island as groups split into those loyal to the king and those loyal to parliament.  Will these tensions lead to Thomas' death or will he be able to return to his home and family in England?

Author Andrew Swanston has written an exciting and tense novel, based on actual facts.  A very good read for fans of historical fiction.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Eagle and the Wolves

Centurions Macro and Cato are still recovering in the hospital in Calleva when a supply train is ambushed just outside by the Britons.  Vespasian had been nearby with a cavalry cohort, but their few numbers are unable to do much to save the supplies.  The king of the Atrebatans, Verica, suggests to Vespasian that an army could be created from his men, given the chance.

After due consideration, Vespasian puts Macro in charge of the fort and tasks him and Cato with training men in Roman methods.  Selection and training begins immediately. The Atrebatans are surprised when they have to learn to fight with wooden swords.  However, it isn't long after the Atrebatans are armed that they get to show their mettle in an ambush on a group of Durotrigans who were intent on stopping another supply convoy.

Despite the resounding victory, Cato is concerned.  Can his men fight in a real pitched battle?  Although Macro is confident that the cohorts will be loyal, Cato has his doubts as to where their loyalties lie.  Macro has thoughts of his own, which are divergent with Cato's.  Will they cause problems with their allies?

A new irritant enters the lives of the centurions when General Plautius sends the tribune Quintillus to check up on them.  A short time later an assassination attempt is made on Verica, both Cato and Macro have doubts about what the future holds.  Is there a traitor in their midst?  And, if there is, can the pair survive the treachery?

For a fan of historical fiction, author Simon Scarrow provides another action packed novel.  He has the two heroes, Cato and Macro, constantly in and out of trouble.  Where will the sequel have these two centurions?  I'm looking forward to following them in the next book.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

22 Dead Little Bodies

Acting DI Logan McRae's day starts with a jumper.  The police are unable to find the jumper's wife.  Surely it can only get better from there.  Well, there is the woman who is complaining about her neighbour decorating her tree with dog poo, and the drunk who, while staggering on the pavement caused a road accident leading to road rage against him.

The following day, the wife of the jumper still hasn't been found, and videos of the jump have gone viral.  Later that day, the wife is found; stabbed multiple times in the house of her lover, who is also dead.  But, where are the kids?  Are they victims, too?  Unfortunately DCI Steel takes the case away from McRae's team.  The feuding neighbours escalate their fight, and the day after, the woman's 29 budgies have all been nailed to her fence.  He, however, has a solid alibi.

The next day, McRae receives a phone call from the female neighbour telling him that it is all over.  He rushes to find that the male neighbour has been stabbed to death and she is in her own home, covered in blood.

Meantime, McRae is in the process of selling his flat.  Unbeknownst to him, until after he has signed the papers, it has been purchased by a crime lord for much more than its value.  He now needs to keep an eye over his shoulder for future problems.

Once again, author Stuart MacBride, has written a fast paced thriller that goes by too quickly.  I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Vanishing Point

DI Jack Brady, and DS Harry Conrad have been called out to Whitley Bay beach where the body of a young woman has been found.  The question is, how will they find her because the head is missing as are her fingers.   A mark that appears to be a brand is located at the base of her spine.  Brady phones his ex-wife with the information.  Does he have a sex trafficking crime on his hands?

Back at the station, Brady is informed that last night, the woman he'd had an affair with, DC Simone Henderson had been badly cut up, including having her tongue cut out.   DCI Gates expects Brady to stick with his own investigation while DI Adamson takes charge of the investigation into the attack on Henderson.  Brady is sure that Adamson will screw up the investigation.  Brady knows that his job would be on the line if he interfered, yet he is sure that the two cases are connected.

Brady soon comes to the realisation that he is in the middle of a deadly turf war amongst criminal elements, and his younger brother, Nick is involved.  Then, to make matters worse, someone leaves the victim's head in his car.  Shortly after this, the victim is identified.  The severity of the crime is brought to light for Brady's team when his ex-wife, Claudia, tells them that it is also a perverse sex crime.

Claudia also tells the team that they are up against a pair of Lithuanian brothers who are running a sex trafficking racket.  They are violent and kill without hesitation.

The case gets screwed up even further when the pathologist tells Brady that he had made a mistake.  The identity of the victim is not who they thought it was.  As a result a sixteen year old girl is still missing!  Will Brady screw up more and lose his career or can he salvage something out of this mess.

Author Danielle Ramsay provides the reader with a fast paced action thriller, which keeps the reader engrossed and involved.  This is a book that is hard to put down.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Ice Queen

Detective Superintendent Oliver von Bodenstein has been called out by Detective Pia Kirchoff to investigate a body of an elderly Jewish man who has been killed execution style.  What is strange is the series of five numbers, which have been written in the wall in the victim's blood.  What is even stranger is when the pathologist, Dr. Henning Kirchoff discovers a tattoo on the victim's upper left arm - the capital letters AB, indicative of the man having been a member of the SS.

Since the victim was an American citizen, who had returned to his native Germany, an American delegation quickly arrived demanding the body be turned over to them.  To prevent an international incident, the murder is to be swept under the rug.

A couple of days later another pensioner is killed in the same manner.  Again the same five numbers appear.  The victim has a houseful of Nazi memorabilia.  Like the first victim, he appears to have a connection to a prominent businesswoman.  Bodenstein has no intention of giving up this case.  Kirchoff turns to an old friend, Miriam Horowitz, to do some research on the two men.  Miriam suggests that the numbers could mean a date.  Later, Miriam's research would prove that the first victim was not who he had claimed to be.  The identity of the person he claimed to be, was someone who had died in the gas chambers.

Bodenstein is surprised when he is informed that his new boss is to be Dr. Nicola Engel, a woman with whom he had had negative dealings with in the past.  At this time a third body turns up; this time it is an elderly woman who had been confined to a wheelchair.  She too, had been killed execution style, and the same number written on her back in her blood.  Her photos and photo albums have all been taken from her apartment.  Why?

Using the internet, Kirchoff is able to discover the real identities of the first two victims.  But what can she do with the information?  More research by Miriam in Poland turns up more vital information, which points towards the killer.

Author Nele Neuhaus ramps up the action and provides plenty of twists in the plot of this murder thriller leading to a surprising conclusion.  Well written, fast paced and a real page turner, which is hard to put down.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Lewis Man

The body of a man has been found in a peat bog on the Isle of Lewis.  Professor Colin Mulgrew has been called in to examine it.  Could the body be a thousand years old or more?  While doing an autopsy, Mulgrew discovers a tattoo that indicates the body can't have been put in the bog more than 56 years ago.

DS George Gunn finds out that the DNA of the bog man profile matches that of Tormod Macdonald, farther of Marsaili.  Unfortunately Tormod is suffering from Alzheimer's.  Former cop, and friend of the family, Fin Macleod offers to help, and he begins by trying to draw memories out from Tormod.  Tormod is trusting of him because Marsaili and Fin were good friends when they were young.

Fin shows Tormod a picture of the dead man and it seems to bring memories back to the old man.  When DS Gunn and Fin get the birth certificate for Tormod, they find out that Tormod Macdonald had died at the age of 18!  So who is this Tormod that Fin has known all his life?  Would Fin's approach to a genealogist provide any answers?

Author Peter May's thriller builds up the tension throughout creating a final gust, which shocks the reader.  Well written, and well worth the read.  Hard to put down, a real page turner.  I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Long Shadow

Annika Bengtzon has been given a surprise assignment that is going to take her to the Costa del Sol to investigate the deaths of a Swedish couple and their children.  It appears that they have been gassed to death during a robbery of their house.  The man had been an NHL hockey player.

Arriving in Spain, Annika meets two Swedish plains clothes cops; Knut Garen and Niklas Linde.  They indicate to Annika that the burglars knew the access code to the alarm in the house as the time of entry was recorded.  Despite her exhaustion, Annika manages to begin her research and write three articles for her newspaper on the first day of her trip.

The following day, Annika is surprised to learn that there was a daughter from a previous marriage, but she wasn't amongst the victims.  Where could she be?  She sets about looking for her.  Upon talking to the girl's mother, who people had been told she had gone him to, the realisation sets in that she is truly missing.  A police search is established.

On the third day, Linde informs Annika that the burglars have been found - dead.  Annika returns to Sweden the following day with nothing resolved.  However, a few months later Annika has returned to Spain; this time to do articles on drugs and money laundering.  Her ex is also at the conference, as is Niklas Linde.  Annika questions him about the robbery to see if any more evidence had come to light.

After returning to Sweden Annika is informed that the missing girl might have tried to contact a friend.  Niklas also tells her that the convict that she had interviewed in Spain has been found dead and her Spanish interpreter has disappeared.  What will Annika do now?

Author Liza Marklund once again has Annika involved in an intense journalistic investigation.  The thriller is an intense page turner, well worth the read.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Licence of War

Lord Digby, King Charles' spymaster, has ordered Laurence Beaumont to London.  He is to travel with Digby's man, a Mr. Violet, whom Beaumont doesn't trust.  They are to investigate the torture and murder of one of Digby's agents.  Upon arrival in London, Beaumont is immediately in trouble.  Fortunately for him Mistress Edwards house is nearby and he is able to escape detection.  The women that work there agree to help him in his endeavours.

Beaumont's opposite number on the parliament side, Clement Veetch, was wounded in an attempt to capture Beaumont.  Veech is now bound and determined to capture Beaumont and return the favour.   Unfortunately for Beaumont, at this time, his lover, Isabella decides to dump him.  He decides to travel to London to speak to her, but before he can, he learns of news that is a threat to Prince Rupert.  In his escape from the city Beaumont is wounded; a wound that threatens his life.  Also, unbeknownst to Beaumont, at this time another threat to him, arrives from Spain.

In the midst of war, Beaumont marries Catherine Furnival.  He then speaks to his brother Tom about the Spanish threat, which turns out to be a man who looks much like Beaumont.  The man claims to be a distant cousin, but why has he been hesitant in coming forward?  What's in store for him and his family?  Who will win the war; the Royalists or Parliament?

Author Claire Letemendia has written an excellent historical novel of the English Civil War, full of intrigue, treachery, and romance.  It is a book fans of historical fiction will find hard to put down.