Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Long Shadow

Annika Bengtzon has been given a surprise assignment that is going to take her to the Costa del Sol to investigate the deaths of a Swedish couple and their children.  It appears that they have been gassed to death during a robbery of their house.  The man had been an NHL hockey player.

Arriving in Spain, Annika meets two Swedish plains clothes cops; Knut Garen and Niklas Linde.  They indicate to Annika that the burglars knew the access code to the alarm in the house as the time of entry was recorded.  Despite her exhaustion, Annika manages to begin her research and write three articles for her newspaper on the first day of her trip.

The following day, Annika is surprised to learn that there was a daughter from a previous marriage, but she wasn't amongst the victims.  Where could she be?  She sets about looking for her.  Upon talking to the girl's mother, who people had been told she had gone him to, the realisation sets in that she is truly missing.  A police search is established.

On the third day, Linde informs Annika that the burglars have been found - dead.  Annika returns to Sweden the following day with nothing resolved.  However, a few months later Annika has returned to Spain; this time to do articles on drugs and money laundering.  Her ex is also at the conference, as is Niklas Linde.  Annika questions him about the robbery to see if any more evidence had come to light.

After returning to Sweden Annika is informed that the missing girl might have tried to contact a friend.  Niklas also tells her that the convict that she had interviewed in Spain has been found dead and her Spanish interpreter has disappeared.  What will Annika do now?

Author Liza Marklund once again has Annika involved in an intense journalistic investigation.  The thriller is an intense page turner, well worth the read.

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