Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Eagle and the Wolves

Centurions Macro and Cato are still recovering in the hospital in Calleva when a supply train is ambushed just outside by the Britons.  Vespasian had been nearby with a cavalry cohort, but their few numbers are unable to do much to save the supplies.  The king of the Atrebatans, Verica, suggests to Vespasian that an army could be created from his men, given the chance.

After due consideration, Vespasian puts Macro in charge of the fort and tasks him and Cato with training men in Roman methods.  Selection and training begins immediately. The Atrebatans are surprised when they have to learn to fight with wooden swords.  However, it isn't long after the Atrebatans are armed that they get to show their mettle in an ambush on a group of Durotrigans who were intent on stopping another supply convoy.

Despite the resounding victory, Cato is concerned.  Can his men fight in a real pitched battle?  Although Macro is confident that the cohorts will be loyal, Cato has his doubts as to where their loyalties lie.  Macro has thoughts of his own, which are divergent with Cato's.  Will they cause problems with their allies?

A new irritant enters the lives of the centurions when General Plautius sends the tribune Quintillus to check up on them.  A short time later an assassination attempt is made on Verica, both Cato and Macro have doubts about what the future holds.  Is there a traitor in their midst?  And, if there is, can the pair survive the treachery?

For a fan of historical fiction, author Simon Scarrow provides another action packed novel.  He has the two heroes, Cato and Macro, constantly in and out of trouble.  Where will the sequel have these two centurions?  I'm looking forward to following them in the next book.

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