Saturday, May 21, 2016

Atonement of Blood

An unexpected visitor has arrived at the feast being held in Cashel.  Since he bears a message and is a religieux, he is welcomed.  But surprisingly he stabs King Colgu and the Chief Brehon, killing the latter.   As he stabs, he hollers, "Remember Liamuin!"  Fortunately a guard kills the assassin before he can do further damage.  Will Colgu survive?  What is the role of his sister, Fidelma, now?  As she begins her examination of the dead man things are found to not as the seem to be.  What was the significance of what he hollered out?

The following morning Fidelma and Eadulf begin their search for evidence.  Gorman, a soldier, takes them to his mother's home, where a horse has been left in her paddock unbeknownst to her.  In a nearby hut, they find a young woman and the saddle and saddlebag for the horse.  Could the young woman be the assassin's accomplice?  It turns out that Liamuin is her mother, but she is missing.

The council agrees that Fidelma and Eadulf must travel into the land of the Ui Fidgente to further the investigation into the assassination attempt.  The soldier, Gorman will travel with them to provide security.  Unfortunately, Gorman is unable to provide security when a band of brigands rob the of their valuables and forms of identification. This may prove to be a problem when they get to the abbey.

At the abbey, a potential witness dies, and when Eadulf examines him, he discovers that the death is suspicious.  He suggests that the group leave and further their investigation elsewhere.  At their next stop, Fidelma is struck on the head while going to check on a churchman.  Have they stumbled upon a conspiracy of revolt?

Slowly Fidelma pieces the picture of the puzzle together.  Can she do it before more deaths occur?  Is her own safety in jeopardy, or does her position protect her?

Author Peter Tremayne has written another excellent mystery set in medieval times in Ireland.  Well worth the read for fans of historical legal fiction.

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