Monday, January 30, 2017

A Grave Waiting

DS Liz Falla has been called out to investigate a killing on a yacht in St. Peter Port.  Not long afterwards she is joined by DI Ed Moretti.  Why would a wealthy man be shot on his own yacht?  And why had he sent his full crew ashore on the night he was killed?  It is while questioning the crew that Moretti and Falla learn that the victim was a high stakes dealer in the arms trade.

Matters take a turn for the worse when the bodyguard of the victim goes missing.  A few hours later his body is found in the exclusive Fort George area; he had been executed in the same manner as his boss.  It is during the questioning of a witness that Falla learns about a potential connection to one of the major banks on the island and a man who is well known to Moretti.  While Falla is continuing the investigation on Guernsey, Moretti has gone to London to meet the ex-head of MI-5.

Plenty of action awaits both Falla and Moretti continue their investigation.  Author Jill Downie pulls a couple of surprises out before the story reaches its ultimate conclusion.  As a past visitor to Guernsey, it is nice to once again visit through the writer's eyes.  A good, quick read.

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