Friday, January 20, 2017

The Gladiator

Macro, Cato and his girlfriend, Julia, along with her father, Sempronius, are on their way back to Rome by sea.  While just off of Crete, the island is struck by an earthquake and a tsunami fast approaches.  The friends manage to tie themselves to the mast before the huge wave strikes the ship.  Unfortunately Cato is swept overboard.  Fortuna is with Cato and he manages to make back to the stricken ship where his friends are frantically working to keep it afloat with others who survived.

The ship limps into the port of Matala to find a scene of devastation.  Sempronius takes charge in Matala and assigns Macro to restore order to the community.  He then heads off to Gortyna wit Cato to check on the condition of the governor.  On their way, they discover that the slaves on the island have begun to revolt.  Finding the governor in bad shape, Sempronius takes control of the province.

Macro has his hands full with the population of Matala.  How will he manage to feed them?  The food stores had been damaged by the tsunami.  While returning with a supply of food, Macro's column is attacked by an organised group of slaves.  Macro is sure that the leader recognised him.  Fortunately before the slaves can overrun the column, Cato shows up with a regiment of cavalry.  Macro and Cato think the leader might have been a gladiator.

Cato returns to Gortyna with Macro and Julia where they find things in better order.  However, Sempronius is at odds with Glabius, a tax collector, with whom he must share rulership of Crete.  Glabius has personal bodyguards and control of the food supply, while Sempronius has the army under his mandate.  Sempronius decides to take complete control by ruse.

However, as Cato knows, the gladiator is still at large.  Sempronius decides to send Cato to Egypt to request more troops to put down the slave rebellion.  Would there be enough time?  Sempronius and Macro are shocked when the slave army surrounds Gortyna and they are informed that the people of Matala have been massacred.  Will Cato and the legions from Egypt arrive in time to save Gortyna and the people inside?

Author Simon Scarrow has plenty of exciting action remaining for the reader.  Once engrossed in this historical novel, you will find it hard to put down.  I am looking forward to the sequel.

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