Sunday, January 22, 2017


Thomas Kydd has been transferred from the battleship, Duke of William to the frigate, Artemis.  It is a totally new environment on the smaller ship.  It is some time after careful training to new standards that the Artemis meets a French frigate.  The battle is a close run thing, which the Artemis barely manages to win.  Kydd and his friend Renzi discover secret signals on the corpse of the French captain.

Back in Portsmouth, Kydd is confronted by his sister Cecilia, who tells him that the family business is failing and they are in dire need of him.  He sadly returns home to Guildford  with her.  Home isn't what it once was for Kydd, and his friend Renzi is quick to realise that for himself when he visits.  He helps the family to set up a school as a new way of life, but it does nothing for Kydd.  Cecelia realises it, too and arranges for a young man to replace Kydd as teacher.  Renzi and Kydd hightail it for Portsmouth in hopes of sailing on Artemis again.

Renzi is sure that the newly outfitted Artemis is bound for the East Indies.  Kydd is surprised when shortly after reaching Africa, the ship heads westwards.  He is told that it is to avoid the doldrums and then to take advantage of the westerly winds.  When they crossed the equator, they were welcomed by King Neptune himself.  Both Kydd and Renzi are disappointed when the ship reaches India.  It is not as exotic as they expected.  They are not granted shore leave, but set to refurbishing the ship and laying in stores.  Here two unexpected things happen.  Kydd helps two stowaways board and the captain tells them that their next task is to take a special envoy to China.

Kydd is lucky enough to be part of the escort taking the envoy to Canton.  He is not impressed with the so-called Chinese civilisation that he sees.  In Macao, Kydd has an experience that shocks him to the core and furthers his resolve to stay at sea.  Outward bound from Macao, Kydd is chosen as second captain on the gun crew he has been working with.  He is later given the post of quartermaster mate; a petty officer!  He immediately felt a new loneliness, but was cheered up when he discovered that Renzi was also made a petty officer at the same time.

How will the voyage home go?  Author Julian Stockwin has plenty of adventures in store for Kydd and Renzi as the Artemis explores the South Pacific and heads for home via Cape Horn.  A very good read, which has left me looking forward to the sequel.

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