Sunday, February 26, 2017

On the Head of a Pin

1838, Demorestville, Upper Canada, where Methodist preacher Thaddeus Lewis has arrived to serve the people, is also known as Sodom.  The members of his new congregation hope to change that.  It is only one community on his circuit.  There he meets a young woman who reminds him of his recently deceased daughter, Sarah.

He figures that it will take him four weeks to complete the circuit.  Unfortunately, left at home is his wife Betsy, who is not well.  They had recently lost their daughter and although the doctor had declared her death to be by natural causes, Lewis is sure her husband had killed her.

There had recently been a rebellion in Canada, which was unsuccessful, and now the leader, Mackenzie is in the United States and encouraging an invasion.  Men are required for the defence of the colony, but Lewis is sure of a deferment because he is now a preacher.

About nine months later the young woman Lewis had met in Demorestville died suddenly and for no apparent reason.  However, her neck had red marks on it plus there was a small book in her lap.  This was consistent with the manner in which Lewis' own daughter had died.  Lewis decides to begin an investigation of his own.  Later while travelling on his circuit he comes across another woman who has been murdered.  Evidence points to similarities in the two previous killings.

Not long after this, Lewis finds out that his son-in-law could not be the killer.  So who is it, then?

A fourth killing of similar circumstances occurs, but seems to be more vicious.  Discussion with a doctor leads them to conclude that it is a man who travels freely about the area.  As Lewis continues his investigation, it seems to point one man in particular.

This murder mystery gets off to a slow start, but before long, I found myself engrossed in it.  Author Janet Kellough draws the reader in and engages them in this historical murder mystery.  I'm glad that I chose to read it, and am looking forward to picking up the sequel.

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