Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sowing Poison

Thaddeus Lewis and his wife Betsy have now settled in Wellington where he will help his sister and husband run a hotel.  Some time after their move, Nathan Elliot has returned home to pay his respects to his dying father.  Unfortunately he has gone missing.  His wife and son arrived shortly after that and take up residence in the hotel.

Clementine Elliot claims to be able to speak with the dead.  Lewis thinks that this is absurd.  However it isn't long before she has customers visiting.  However, if she can commune with the dead, why hasn't she said anything about her missing husband?  Lewis decides to attend a session.  Clementine goes into a trance and suggests that a Mary is now in the room.  Lewis' daughter Mary had died as a child, but he refuses to accept that this might be his daughter back from the dead and instead asks about Nathan.  The session abruptly ends.

Later, Lewis learns how the clairvoyant has duped so many people.  At the same time, one of the hotel guests has disappeared.  The clairvoyant has no knowledge of what might have happened to him.

Author Janet Kellough has plenty more for Lewis to discover before she presents an interesting conclusion.  Another good quick read by this author.

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