Monday, February 20, 2017

The Legion

Cato has been raised to the rank of prefect now, and he and his friend, Centurion Macro are at sea in search of their old nemesis, Ajax a rogue gladiator.  They come across a cargo ship seemingly abandoned at sea, but upon it they find all of the men butchered except one.  He claims that a Roman galley had waylaid them.  He said that the man in charge claimed to be Centurion Macro.  Upon arriving in Alexandria, Cato and Macro are placed under arrest.

Fortunately a witness to the barbaric actions of Ajax is unable to identify the pair.  Governor Petronius is able to provide them with six more ships to carry on the search for Ajax.  Petronius has other troubles to the south where the Nubians are making probes into Egypt.  Before the month given to the Romans to find Ajax is up, they are ordered back to Alexandria because the Nubians have invaded Egypt.

However, a chance discovery leads Cato and Macro to the lair of Ajax.  However would they get to their goal before the wily Ajax escaped once again?  That is just the case, Ajax and some of his men escape into a mangrove swamp.  Cato sets out to follow with fifty men.  Who will survive the insects, snakes and crocodiles?

Ajax manages to ambush Cato and his men and then escape once again before Macro and his reinforcements can arrive.  Having returned to Alexandria to make his report, Cato is shocked to learn that Petronius has assigned him and Macro to the Twenty-second Legion in the south to help repel the Nubians.  The pursuit of Ajax is put on hold.  Cato is unsure about the abilities of the 22nd as it was raised by Mark Anthony and hasn't seen battle in some time.

When the pair arrive at the southern most post, they find that the legate is missing.   He and his escort are found dead.  A survivor indicates that it was Ajax who ambushed them.  The new legate is not one to inspire confidence; he refuses advice from Cato and Macro and assigns them to train the 22nd and make them ready for battle.  However, before they are fully ready, Ajax and a contingent of Nubians are across the Nile from them.

Who will come out the victor?  The hunter or the hunters?  Author Simon Scarrow has begins to build the tension as he leads the two heroes into a deadly battle.  An exciting end to this particular historical novel, which leaves me looking forward to the sequel.

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