Saturday, July 15, 2017


Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro have discovered what appear to be the Druids preparing to cause the Roman army problems during the upcoming winter season.  Unfortunately, while returning to their Fort, Macro is shot in the thigh with a hunting arrow.  It requires major surgery.  While he survive it?

Acting governor Quintatus has decided to drive the Druids to their sacred island of Mona and destroy them there.  He has sent naval ships to the island in advance of the attack.  He orders Cato to have his men prepare for battle.  Quintatus also subtly suggests to Cato that Nero is on the rise in Rome, and to protect himself and his family, he should become Quintatus' man.

When Cato and his men march out of the fort, he leaves Macro in charge of the auxiliaries who have just arrived.  They are not up to military standards and Macro has plans to change that.  Once Cato joins Quintatus, his men are tasked with leading the army towards Mona, and setting a bloody tone.

The advance towards Mona is slow due to rain and mud and of course the enemy.  Back near Macro's fort, one of his scouts discovers an enemy column.  The scout brings back an enemy who, after an interrogation, informs Macro that there is an enemy column advancing behind Quintatus' column.  They are marching into a trap.  Macro needs to warn them.

Having reached the coast, the Roman army needs to get through the enemy coastal defence before crossing the channel.  Neither will be easy as winter begins to settle in.   On top of that, Quintatus refuses to accept Macro's logic about the enemy army behind him.  He is also upset by the fact that Macro has also brought a man to liaise with the newly appointed governor of Britannia.  Macro has also brought bad news for Cato.

Macro's information proves true.  Quintatus is forced to abandon his attack on Mona and retreat.  Will the Britons destroy the Romans during their retreat having already cut off their supplies?

Author Simon Scarrow's latest novel about Cato and Macro is full of battles, death and sacrifice.  We are left wondering if the might of the Roman Empire is enough to ever defeat and subdue the Druids and their followers.  A very good read.

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