Monday, July 3, 2017

Hunting the Eagles

It is A. D. 14, and Centurion Tullus and his optio Fenestela are in Rome, where, if they are found could mean their execution, to watch the triumph of Tiberius. Unfortunately Tullus is recognised by Germanicus, who surprisingly offers him a position when he goes to Germania as governor and to exact revenge for the destruction of the three legions by the Germans.

Back with his century, Tullus finds it hard to keep his temper against those who demean those who made it back from the massacre done by the Germans.  In their arrogance, they claim that it would never have happened to them.  Rumours of mutiny are starting to float amongst the legions, too.

Across the Rhine, Arminius, Tullus' foe and leader of the Germans is preparing for the expected attack.  It will be a tougher enemy this time because Augustus has died and the new emperor will want to make his mark.

When Tullus hears of a potential mutiny, he takes it to his superior, who doesn't seem overly concerned.  When a full blown mutiny breaks out, Tullus' century stays true.  However, the mutineers do damage to many officers and kill some.  Will Governor Germanicus' arrival quell the rebellion?

Germanicus capitulates, and further trouble is averted; for a time.  However, trouble continues to fester so Germanicus orders that the ringleaders be executed.  He then plans a punitive attack across the Rhine before the winter season closes in.

The following spring, Germanicus attacks across the Rhine in force.  A daring raid results in the capture of Thusnelda, pregnant wife of Arminius.  Germanicus then hits the Germans with a three pronged attack, on coming from the North Sea.  How will Arminius and his allies respond?

Tullus takes Germanicus to the site of the ambush.  It is an emotional time for him and those who survived with him.  It is a month into the invasion before Arminius' soldiers begin to harass the Romans.  It is unnerving. Having struck deep into Arminius' heartland, will the Romans be able to safely retreat before winter sets in?

Tullus and his men are with Caecina on the retreat.  Unfortunately they end up trapped between a forest and a bog with Arminius and his army in the forest.  What are their options?  Will it end in another slaughter of the Roman army?

Author Ben Kane gives the author a real sense of life, death and battles at this time. Life was not easy, and at times death could be hard; not just on those who died, but those left behind.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, and I look forward to reading the concluding book in this trilogy.

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