Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Lara's Gift

It is 1910 and Lara's father is a kennel steward and breeder of borzois for a count in Russia.  Once again ten year old Lara is allowed to name the latest born pups.  However, her father is prepared to do away with the runt of the litter.  She begs to keep Ryczar, and he only gives in when she has a vision about the pup.

Lara wants to become the kennel steward in place of her father, but he sees her potential as the wife of some man.  She sees herself as one who could breed a borzoi worthy of Tsar Nicholas.  First but Ryczar, now known as Zar, and she would have to kill a wolf.  Zar's first encounter with a wolf at the age of four is close to a disaster for the untrained borzoi.

When her brother is born, Lara's place in the family is diminished.  Her parents see her as taking on womanly roles, learning to sew and look after her little brother.

Amongst Zar's first offspring is a little female that no one thought was going to make it.  However, she does and is named Chara by Lara.

Later, Lara's vision of a disastrous wolf hunt would come true.  Her father would lose his favourite borzoi and Zar would become the hero of the day.  Lara's father has difficulty accepting it all.  Following Zar's success, the count who really owns Zar, presents him to Tsar Nicholas.  Lara is stunned.

The day Zar is taken away, Lara has a vision of him in danger.  Can he be saved from the wolves?

Author Annemarie O'Brien's novella is a good, quick read.  Animal lovers will enjoy it.

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