Saturday, June 17, 2017

Rules of Engagement

The Lord Chief Justice has just informed Sir John Fielding that Lord Lammermoor jumped off Westminster Bridge last night for no known reason.  Later that day, Annie Oakum, a former employee of Fielding tells his assistant, Jeremy Proctor, that she was with Lammermoor when he jumped off the bridge.  Fielding sends Jeremy to attend the coroner's inquest.  Dr. Donnelly is not impressed with how the judge handled the inquest.  He states that there are other causes that could have led to the Lord jumping off the bridge than stated.

The following night, Dr. Donnelly takes the group to a demonstration of the teachings of Dr. Mesmer.  Fielding asks the demonstrator if such work could be used for criminal endeavours.  He says no and then proceeds to use Jeremy's fiancĂ©, Clarissa to prove his point.

Based on their investigation, Fielding is sure that this is a case of murder.  He goes to the Chief Lord Justice to set the "rules of engagement".  Fielding continues his investigation by questioning the son and wife of the deceased.  He has also come to the conclusion that the deceased was under "animal magnetism" when he jumped from the bridge.   Fielding is also sure that the death of a potential witness helps the case.

However, how will he and Jeremy gather all the evidence to prove the case?  Author Bruce Alexander's murder mystery is intense and riveting.  Sadly Alexander was unable to finish it due to his death.  His wife and John Shannon wrote the final chapters in collaboration based on the notes he had left behind.  A good read.

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