Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Prisoner in Malta

Dr. Rodrigo Lopez has been ordered to pick up Christopher Marlowe from Cambridge and take him to London.  Francis Walshingham, Elizabeth's spymaster has a task for Marlowe.  Marlowe and Lopez are to travel to Malta and bring home a man there that knows much about a conspiracy to put Mary, Queen of Scotland on the English throne.  The problem is, the man is in a very secure prison.

As their ship sets sail, Lopez informs Marlowe that it is entirely possible that the man they are to rescue could be dead, and in turn they really could be sacrificial lambs for Walshingham's plans.  Getting to Malta is not going to be easy, nor will it be easy to break their man out of the prison.  Marlowe is shocked when the man turns out to be a woman!

The young woman also knows who her rescuers are because she has very high connections back in England.  Will Marlowe and Lopez be able to get the woman back to England safely?  Marlowe does manage to get her back safely, but unfortunately Lopez is lost.

Now back in England Marlowe must work to defend himself from a murder charge.  How can he do that when there seem to be so many sides at play, each pulling and pushing in various directions?

Author Phillip DePoy has Christopher Marlowe trying to solve this mystery in what seems to be a maze.  Every turn that he takes turns out to be a dead end.  As a result Marlowe has to turn back and begin again.  It takes numerous times before Marlowe gets things right.  All-in-all, a very good read.

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