Friday, June 9, 2017


Prime Minister Pitt is wondering why General Buonaparte is not with the invasion fleet being assembled across the channel.  Why has he been sighted in Toulon?  Is he planning on bringing the French Mediterranean fleet up to aid with the invasion of Britain? How can they be stopped?  As a result, Tenacious is ordered to sail from Halifax to Cadiz.

Three weeks later, Tenacious joins Sir John Jarvis' fleet blockading Cadiz.  Not long after that the fleet is joined by Vanguard, which is Read Admiral Nelson's seventy-four.  It isn't long before Tenacious finds out that they are to be part of Nelson's fleet in the Mediterranean looking for Buonaparte.

In Gibraltar, Lieutenant Kydd buys himself a Toledo naval sword using the gold his uncle had given him back in Canada.  In Gibraltar Kydd is also asked to oversee the nephew of a former captain of his.  The new midshipman is a high born lad.  How will he work out?  Nelson's little fleet sets sail for Toulon in hopes of preventing Buonaparte from sailing.

Storm struck, Nelson's fleet is forced to move from Toulon.  Damage to the flag vessel required time for repairs, during which Buonaparte sailed from Toulon.  How would Nelson find them in the vastness of the Mediterranean?  Not long after this, the little squadron was joined by more ships.  It was now a true battle fleet, on the hunt.  Nelson is sure that Buonaparte is headed for Egypt.

However, there is no French fleet at Alexandria, so Nelson casts his net to the north to no avail.  The French seem to have disappeared from the Mediterranean!  Nelson decides to check Alexandria again.  There they find the French fleet at anchor in the Bay of Aboukir.  The British glide in during the evening and commence pounding the French.  Late in the night the French flag ship blows up.  The following day the French begin to strike their colours.

Kydd is sent to take the surrender of a French 74.  He returns to Tenacious, which along with Nelson's Vanguard head to Naples for repairs.  There Kydd's friend , Renzi, introduces him to the ambassador, Lord Hamilton.  Before Tenacious sets sail from Naples, Renzi and Kydd are promoted.

Tenacious' next task is to be part of an invasion of Minorca.  Hoping to be noticed for promotion, Kydd volunteers to help the army.  His acts there end up with him being assigned to help at Acre in the defence against the army of Buonaparte.  Will the small army there be able to stop that great general from advancing on to Constantinople?

Author Julian Stockwin's novel isn't as full of naval battles as in the past, includes more land battles and battles within the minds of men.  A very good read.

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