Saturday, June 3, 2017

Brothers in Blood

Narcissus has discovered a plan by his rival Pallas to bring victory to Caratacus in Britannia.  This will help bring his lover's son, Nero to the throne.  He also wants to bring down Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro.  Narcissus decides to send his son, Septimus to warn them.

It is on the eve of a battle with Caratacus that Septimus arrives to warn the pair.  Unfortunately he doesn't know who the agent or agents might be who have been sent to cause grief in Britannia.  The battle the next day wasn't going well for the Romans, until Cato saw potential for a flank attack.  Would it be enough to save the day? And what would his punishment be for disobeying orders?

Fortunately his actions result in the capture of Caratacus and his family.  Would Cato's promise of fair treatment for them be followed?  Unfortunately for Cato, Caratacus escapes during a storm while the Romans are celebrating their victory.  Septimus appears to be the victim of the escape.  Both Cato and Macro think there is something fishy about the escape.  General Ostorius places the blame for the escape on Cato and Macro.

Caratacus has moved north to try and get the Brigantians to join his cause.  At this time, Ostorius suffers a stroke and his legate, Quintatus takes over.  He sends Cato and Macro as part of the delegation to get Caratacus back, under the guise of travelling at the request of Queen Cartimandua.  Will Cartimandua hand over Caratacus as promised or are the Romans marching into a trap?

Author Simon Scarrow's historical novel is full of excitement and treachery.  Based on historical fact, it gives the reader an idea of what life for the Roman soldiers was like.  A thoroughly good read.

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