Sunday, July 16, 2017

Tainted Angel

Vidia is an "angel" used to lure men into spilling secrets.  It is with surprise then when she hears words from a fellow agent that appear to make him to be a double agent working for the French!  Is it an attempt to entrap her?  Her home is then searched to see if she was holding any secrets there.

Shipments of gold to the army on the continent have been disappearing.  Why?  Could it have anything to do with Brodie, the man who is her supposed guardian?  An attempt to kidnap her outside the Prince Regent's home is unsuccessful.  Who was responsible for it?  The French or someone else?  Vidia is sure that it was her own people.

Vidia has been compromised by a man she works with and is now expecting his child.  When she tells him of it, he immediately insists on marrying her.  However a short time after the marriage, Vidia realises that it was not a true marriage when she sees a man poorly disguised as a fisherman, who was the chaplain who married them.

Author Anne Cleeland has plenty of twists and turns and counter turns in this spy novel.  I must admit it is not one of her best works, however.

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