Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day of the Caesars

Cato and Macro have just returned from a successful mission to Hispania.  Rome is now under the rule of Nero and his mother, Agrippina.  Tensions abound, including amongst the Praetorian Guard.  The men who were fighting in Hispania want the same bonus that was paid out to those who stayed behind.

It isn’t long before Pallas, Nero’s right hand man, comes to Cato with an offer, and a threat to Cato’s son if he and Macro don’t accept.  Close on this, Cato is framed for the murder of a senator.  Fortunately he escapes, but now looks to Macro to help him clear his name.  Will the pair be able to do just that or is Cato’s life forfeit? 

A man everyone assumed was dead reappears in the hopes of removing Nero from the throne.  A revolution is on the verge of breaking out.  Narcissus, back from the dead tries to persuade Cato to join the revolution and takes Cato’s son to assure compliance.

Will Cato comply?  Author Simon Scarrow, historical novel is full of treachery and double crossing by a variety of characters who put Cato’s life and the life of his son in jeopardy.  A thoroughly enjoyable read for fans of historical novels.

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