Monday, June 11, 2018

Dead Ground in Between

DI Tom Tyler has two farm workers to deal with; they had been riding their bicycles at night with no lights and been verbally abusive to the constable who stopped them.  He has also a set of young Dutch brothers who had been evacuated from Holland before the Nazis invasion; they had caused some damage in a Woolworths store.  On top of these two sets of miscreants, he has a missing elderly man.

It isn’t long after DI Tyler and two constables had gone to the farm of the missing man, than the two boys arrive at the farm stating that they had found a dead man.  Later the pathologist informs Tyler that the man had been stabbed, although he likely died of exposure.

Can Tyler solve the crime before Christmas arrives or will more pain arrive first?  Author Maureen Jennings mystery novel is a good, quick read.

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