Friday, June 29, 2018

The Rufus Spy

Lassair has discovered that she is pregnant, and is running away from Cambridge and the man who had made her pregnant, Jack Chevestrier.  She was unsure as to whether she wanted to marry him, so she heads home to Aelf Fen.

Meanwhile her former lover, Rollo, has returned from Normandy with information for the king.  Unfortunately there are agents attempting to end his life.  This has resulted in the death of a couple of young men who were similar in looks to Rollo.  Rollo decides to invite Lassair to join him in his journey north to the king.

While on their way north, an attempt is made on their lives.  They must evade the killer and hopefully in time, turn the table on the killer.

Alys Clare’s medieval thriller is full of plot twists and turns.  The reader is left wondering what is going on at times, but connections are made before the surprising conclusion.  A good, quick read.

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