Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Why has Matthew Shardlake been called to London by Lord Cromwell?  Could it have anything to do with the death of Queen Jane?  No, Cromwell wants him to investigate a murder at a monastery.

Shardlake takes his clerk, Mark Poer with him.  Once there, they find out that the previous commissioner had been beheaded in the kitchen one night.  That same night the altar had been desecrated and a relic stolen from the church.

When shown the body, Shardlake notes that the beheading was very neat, as if done by a very sharp sword.  As Shardlake explores the monastery, he discovers that it’s possible that the killer could have entered through the crumbling back wall.  The killer didn’t necessarily have to be one of the monks.

It is at this time that a novice in the monastery dies in suspicious circumstances.  Brother Guy, the infirmarian, examines the body and tells Shardlake that the death was due to belladonna being put in his drink.  Shardlake now has another murder on his hands.

Shardlake has noticed something sparkling in the bottom of the monastery pond.  He has Mark go into the pond and bring it out.  It turns out to be a sword, but also two other things come up with it.  A monk’s habit and the body of a woman!  The habit’s owner is quickly identified and the body is likely that if a woman who had worked in the infirmary and had gone missing two years ago.

How many more deaths will there be before Shardlake can solve the crimes?  Author C. J. Sansom has the reader trying to figure out who the culprit is before Shardlake can.  There are a few devious plot twists before all is revealed.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, leaving me looking forward to reading the the sequels.

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