Sunday, April 14, 2019

Rome's Executioner

Sabinus, brother of Vespasian, has been sent from Rome to work with his brother to capture Rhoteces, a priest, and take him back to Rome where Antonia plans on giving him to Emperor Tiberius.  This way she will show him that he is in danger of being overthrown by Sejanus.  Already Nero Germanicus and Drusus have been taken into custody and Caligula could be the next to be imprisoned.

Capturing Rhoteces is not going to be an easy task, as there are men who are tasked with killing Vespasian as soon as possible.  Men close to him will die on this mission.  When they get to their destination, Vespasian and Sabinus find out that Rhoteces is in a city currently under siege by the Roman army.  Vespasian also has to put up with a known spy in their midst; Centurion Caelus.

Despite all of this, Vespasian’s small crew does manage to capture Rhoteces.  Now they must get him to Rome, safely.  However, Rhoteces puts a curse on the ship that is to carry them before it can sail.  Pirates along the way aren’t sufficient to stop Vespasian from getting to Rome. 

Life in Rome will not be easy either.  When the brothers hear of a potential attack on the home of their parents they quickly ride to the defence of the homestead.  Killing the attackers forces them into isolation for a time.  When Vespasian is recalled to Rome, he is unsure of his reception.

Will Sejanus manage to usurp Tiberius, or will the mad emperor overcome threats to his reign from Capri?  Author Robert Fabbri has written an excellent novel of this time, basing his story on actual facts.  It is hard to believe in the violence and depravities of the time, but such was life in the Roman Empire. A thoroughly enjoyable read, and hard to put down.

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