Thursday, April 11, 2019

Swords of Good Men

Ulfar Thormodsson and his cousin Geiri are in Stenvik in the hopes of expanding trade between their community and this one.  Ulfar is entranced by a young woman and is unable to speak on behalf of the pair while Geiri makes a terrible botch of it.

Meanwhile Sigurd Aegisson, headman in Stenvik has been confronted by Friar Johann who has told him of a horde of invaders headed their way.  What is he supposed to do?  Search for the invaders or stand pat to defend the community?

At the same time, King Olav Tryggvason is gathering a huge army, which he intends to use to remove the old gods from Norway and replace with the White Christ.

Skargrim, leader of the invaders behind Skuld, a woman who has amazing powers, gathers many fighters Wyrmsey, which is an island not far from Stenvik.  His first act is to have a couple of his scouts burn a few ships in Stenvik and poison its well.  They also left a horse’s head in the square on a pole.  Sigurd’s reaction is to tell his people not to have any fear.

Not long after this the town is attacked by outlaws.  Are they part of Skargrim’s force?  Locked inside the walls of Stenvik, it is Ulfar who first notices the sixty-three ships of Skargrim advancing from the sea.  What’s the future of the town now?  Can King Olav arrive in time to counter the invaders from the sea?

Author Snorri Kristjansson is very descriptive in outlining the final battle for Stenvik.  There is lots of action with a couple of surprises at the very end.  When I started reading this historical fiction novel, I was unsure of what I was getting into, but it turned out to be a very good read.

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