Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rome's Fallen Eagle

A. D., January 24 - Rome.  Caligula has been assassinated by his guard.  Who will become the new emperor, or will the senate decide to go back to being a republic?  However, it is the Praetorian Guard that makes the decision.  Claudius is chosen to be the new emperor and the senate is forced to swear allegiance.

The real power behind Claudius lies with the freedmen Narcissus, Pallas and Callistus.  The first is foremost amongst the triumvirate.  It is also Narcissus that orders Vespasian and his brother, Sabinus, to the Rhenus frontier and to retrieve the lost eagle of the Seventeenth Legion.  It is a near impossible task.

Vespasian’s new command is the Second Augusta.  However, it is a cavalry cohort of Batavians that Vespasian will take in search of the lost eagle. After they cross the river, they find that their men are being picked off. Who, but three men back in Rome would know of the mission?  Which of them is it?

Fortunately for Vespasian, they end up receiving help in their quest.  But, will they achieve their goal or will someone else get the eagle?

Vespasian’s and Sabinus’ next assignment is to be part of Plautius’ invasion of Britain.  Vespasian will keep command of the Second Augusta, while Sabinus is to be legate of the Fourteenth.  However, what’s to be done when the whole army refuses to embark?  It is only when the Eagle of the Seventeenth is presented to Plautius by Narcissus that the mutiny is quelled.

How successful will the invasion be?  Author Robert Fabbri’s fiction is based on historical writings with a twist to make it more readable and interesting.  There are plenty of battles and political intrigue and treachery, all which seemed to be the norm of the time.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable read, and I’m looking forward to reading the sequels.

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